
What is Aerobics?

©1993 NAOC TM NAOC 7-056

Oxigen goes from the lung, the heart, the blood vessels, and then into the muscles

Aerobics is excercise to take oxygen into our body and burn energy.
Oxygen is carried to the lung, heart, blood vessel, and then active muscles.

Fig1 Aerobics and our body

Excercise causes lactic acid

Excercise causes lactic acid in the muscle. The lactic acid is then carried into blood.

Fig2 Blood lactic acid measurement ( photo by Kyoto Daiichi Kagaku )

Training recipe with lactic acid measurement

Measuring blood lactic acid is important to make modern training recipe. Lactic acid shows the state of muscle fatigue.

Fig3 Training recipe and blood lactic acid ( Ito Shizuo )

Aerobics at the heart rate of 130/min

We perceive the excercise strength through sensory system.
The strength we feel is very closely related to heart rate, oxygen intake, and blood lactic acid.
Aerobics is the excercise with heart rate of 130/min or less where we feel that excercise a little hard.

Excercise strength and the lung, the heart, and the muscle.

Healthy life with aerobics

Aerobics is used not only for the sports training but also for the health promotion of many people.

Fig 4
Aerobics for health promotion

Modern lifestyle needs aerobics and excercise

Modern life often has problem of low physical ability and lifestyle deseases.
To enjoy healthy life, exercise such as aerobics is necessaty for us.

Neswpaper reporting low physical ability